(022) 23479817/ 23429817

Flexo Mounting Tapes

Plate Mounting Tapes give the right base for Photopolymer Printing Plates from hard to highly compressible. By using these tapes the flex printing is enhanced and dot gain is reduced. Woth foam back tapes, fine halftone printing is also possible

The are available as per follows:

Scapa 43010 (Filmic)

100 Microns X 1380m X 25Mtrs

Scapa 43121 (Foam) 380 Microns X 1380m X 25Mtrs
Scapa 43221 (Foam) 550 Microns X 1380m X 25Mtrs
Lohmann 3.2 Plus / 5.2 Plus 1380m X 25 Mtrs